lululemon C3 Future Champions Fundraiser

For over a quarter of a century, former Olympic Coach Barrie Shepley has continued to run a once-a-year fund-raiser to help future elite champions. Some of those past names include Olympians Simon Whitfield, Andrew Yorke, Kyle Jones and Domi Jamnicky. Long-distance athletes who have benefitted include Ironman Champion Lionel Sanders, 70.3 Champion Taylor Reid, Tamara Jewett and Sean Bechtel. Your small donation each year has continued to help C3 support the next generation of athletes with coaching, travel, equipment, medical and training support.

Your Donation helps the next generation of Lionel Sanders, Simon Whitfield and Andrew Yorke.

Paws 4 Cause


Join the C3 gang for the Paws for Cause events, raising money for animal shelters and rescues.

Details at


© 2020 C3 Canadian Cross Training Club